Now let me be clear. No one voted for George Obama. He just came with the deal. And I can’t throw any rocks at the new president when just about every family has at least one black sheep. Some have a small flock. While it’s certainly no fault of their own, there have been several presidents with embarrassing brothers.
The brothers of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon were more than a handful, even for the Secret Service. Sam Houston Johnson was notorious for getting drunk and talking to the press, often leaking damaging information. Donald Nixon borrowed $205,000 to start “Nixonburgers”.
The secret service codename for Bill Clinton’s h

But to me, there will never be another presidential family member like Billy Carter. Maybe it’s just that I’m a Southerner. Maybe there’s a guy kinda like Billy in practically every small town in Georgia. The press loved Billy. He was a natural target. He was best known perhaps for Billy Beer. Once the novelty wore off, it didn’t sell and quickly failed. Oddly enough, you can still buy a six-pack on eBay for less than $20. But his other claims to fame included urinating in such places as the Whitehouse grounds and airport runways in plain sight and bragging about smoking pot on the roof of the Whitehouse. He took out a loan from Libya for $220,000. And after the IRS seized his home and gas station in Plains, he moved to Alabama and ended his career making manufactured homes. You just can’t make this stuff up.
So did the press bury the story about George Obama? Probably. And I hope so. It’s not like he’s Michael Phelps. And why are Americans so intrigued with the scandals of presidential siblings? Probably because it brings these larger-than-life figures closer to where we live. We don’t know much about President Obama’s family yet, so it’s hard to know who, if anyone, might emerge in scandal. But rest assured, if it happens, we will be just as captivated as ever.
this was funny and enlightening stuff. it's sad to me how fascinated the American people are with celebrities and with seeing failure in others- do we do this to make ourselves feel better? personally, i hope they leave the president's family alone...they have enough to worry about! thanks for sharing...
Great job, as always. It is amazing how obsessed we Americans seems to be with watching celebrity "trainwrecks"...hopefully, this will not be one for the president...he has way too much on his plate to be distracted by this kind of thing.
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