Monday, July 13, 2009

Electric Magic

No matter how long or difficult a day goes, getting behind a camera is always the therapy I need. The ills of my day fade, even if for a moment, as everything is reduced to lighting and composition.

So many of the photos I dream of taking involve models. But as a good friend recently pointed out, product photography may be my bread and butter. So tonight, I grabbed a few items lying around the house and used some creative lighting to complete a few images shot for stock. I’ve had this assignment in my head for some time. And I’m pretty pleased with the results. It’s the miracle of electricity. See the whole set.

So how was it done? Believe me, it wasn't too difficult, although I must admit, at least one $.79 duplex receptacle sacrificed it's life in the line of duty for this project. The most important part was having a 105mm macro lens. A couple of gelled gridspots gave some hard light. As for the rest, there has to be some suspense, right?

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