Boredom can sometimes be a wonderful--a great source of inspiration at least. While playing tonight at a wedding reception in Columbus, Georgia at the National Infantry Museum, I had a
few minutes to kill and walked around looking at the uniforms on mannequins in glass cases. One of them really caught my eye and I had to try a photo with the camera on my iPhone. The result was pretty cool, almost lifelike. You just don't need a great camera to take a great photo.Just a little dramatic light and an eye for composition.
Taking the theme just a bit further, I tried running the image through PhotoToaster, an app I've had for a while from East Coast Pixels. It really is a healthy slice of Photoshop for the iPhone.From basic exposure and levels to cool presets imulating c

For just a few bucks, this app is a winner. The utilties and effects are quite convincing and it also gives you multiple options for saving your processed images back to your phone, to an email, or even Flickr or Facebook.