I recently had a graduate student interview me for a leadership class project. He asked me what I get inspiration from. From the standpoint of photography, the answer is always the works of my peers who generate incredible work. My eye is always drawn to edgy material, the darker and more intriging the better. Rarely, if ever, do photos of bugs or flowers inspire me. But strangely, they are the Subarus of the photography world. No one thinks they are sexy or even that fun, but you see them everywhere. I've had a camera in my hand a lot recently, mostly doing commercial work. I don't think this shot would inpire anyone, not even Georgia O'Keefe. But I do like the colors and it was a heck of a difficult shot to capture handheld with the wind blowing. For those of you who care about the specifics... 1/1000 at f2.8 with a 105mm lens. For those who care about bugs, I think it's a monarch butterfly catapiller. At least Spring is almost here. I'm hoping for some inspiration there.
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