Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I've written before that I really don't care much for flower photography. And I don't. But, it was a tough winter and the flowers have burst out in impressive fashion this spring. They seem to be exuberantly celebrating warmer weather with the rest of us. Spring is an interesting dichotomy to me. Do the blooms of spring occur because of winter's pruning? Is life springing forth in the void left by death?

I have a pink dogwood tree in my front yard. It's something of a survivor. A big limb fell out of a nearby pine tree last year, breaking the top out of the dogwood and leaving it mangled and misshaped. But I don't have the heart to cut it down.

I shot this image with my 105mm macro at f4.5 at 1/100. I love the bokey and the narrow depth of field. The early morning sun fringed the blooms and leaves with golden light. And if you look closely, you can see a whispy tendril of a spiderweb in the bottom-right corner.

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