It’s the very first New Year for Through My Eyes. Somehow, it seems appropriate for some predictions. So here are ten views into my crystal ball for what may come to pass in 2009:
- At least one of the “double-wide divas”—Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Lindsey Lohan—will be arrested in 2009. I know, it’s a slam dunk, but I needed to ensure that at least one prediction would come true.
- General Motors will be back in front of Congress asking for more money by July 4, and bankruptcy will likely be right around the corner. And the UAW will probably sit idly by and smugly fiddle while the remaining shell of Detroit smolders.
- The New York Yankees have spent somewhere near the GDP of Central America this offseason. Assembling a Who’s Who of superstars has rarely equated to success on the field. Likewise, the 2009 edition of the pin-striped wonders will not win their division and will struggle once again to reach the playoffs.
- Many Americans will be surprised at the “moderate” positioning of President Barack Obama during the first one-hundred days in office. But he will be overshadowed by the near lunacy of Pelosi and Reid, who will trip all over each other fighting to prove who is more “liberal” in an intoxicated atmosphere of new democratic dynasty.
- Free from conservative resistance, a Democratic Congress will make life harder for American businesses, introducing an array of new legislation. Worst of all will be the failure of Congress to repeal “Mark to Market” rules, keeping undue pressure on slow-to-recover credit markets.
- Despite the support of President Obama, the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) format will remain unchanged for 2009, irritating more American’s than any fiscal policy.
- Assuming the Dallas Cowboys cut Terrell Owens,
some NFL franchise will decide he’s the one missing piece of the puzzle to complete their team, sign him for an unbelievable amount of money, and then act completely surprised to find that he is a toxic, selfish jerk. (see disclaimer on #1)
- Between the efforts of very leftist leadership in Congress and Henry Waxman as House Energy Committee Chairman, the country’s dramatic need for new electric generation will not see much improvement in 2009. In fact, it’s likely that not a single coal plant will get permitted in the next twelve months. Environmental groups will hail this as a victory, but ratepayers will ultimately pay as costs per kilowatt-hour will continue to rise.
- Al Franken will apparently be the newest Senator of Minnesota. Amazing. The American press, pundits, and late-night talk show hosts will all struggle with how to treat him before finally giving in and reporting him as the complete kook that he really is.
- I will find a way to grow in 2009, taking on risks unlike any before. I hope that by taking control of my destiny in new ways, these risks can be rewarded with profound personal growth.
Well, there you have them—ten absolute locks for 2009. Take it to the bank, assuming your bank is still open. In fact, I’m so confident, should any of these predictions turn out to be wrong, I’ll gladly refund the entire price of your subscription, of course minus the costs of shipping and handling. Happy New Year.
Preach on, my brother...I will be VERY interested to see how #10 pans out.
If Oklahoma beats Florida Thursday night, Utah, Texas, and Oklahoma are going to stake a claim on the national title. Utah probably doesn't have a real beef, but Obama may need to send the national guard to Austin.
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